Sateliti, asteroidi

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Re: Sateliti, asteroidi

Post by Maja » 11 Aug 2013, 18:13


Ovo uvijek bude sredinom augusta.

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Re: Sateliti, asteroidi

Post by Rum » 05 Sep 2013, 15:28

VIDEO Meteorit EKSPLODIRAO iznad Sjevernog Jadrana

Iznad Jadrana je u utorak proletio meteorit i na trenutak osvijetlio čitavo nebo. Sve je zabilježila kamera u talijanskom gradu Ferrara.

Meteorit koji je prije dva dana proletio na nebu iznad Jadrana te izgorio u atmosferi, objektivom fotoaparata uhvatili su i slovenski astronomi, prenosi, a bi je vidljiv iznad zapadnog dijela susjedne Slovenije.

Talijanski mediji su pak izvijestili o tome kako se čula glasna buka te da se vidio jak bljesak na noćnom nebu. Isto tako su izvijestili i o više slučajeva uplašenog lokalnog stanovništva.

Meteorit koji je snimoljen iznad Sjevernog Jadrana sličan je onom koji je protutnjao i eksplodirao iznad Čeljabinska u Rusiji, ranije ove godine. Pogledajte snimku.

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Ovaj komet ćete pamtiti do kraja života

Post by Rum » 25 Sep 2013, 00:30

Svijetliji od punog Mjeseca: Ovaj komet ćete pamtiti do kraja života!

Komet Ison mogao bi privući milionski auditorij širom svijeta u noć, samo kako bi posvjedočili jedan od najsvjetlijih kometa u posljednjih nekoliko ljudskih generacija na Zemlji. Astronomi tvrde da će biti svijetliji i od punog Mjeseca u određenim trenucima.

Pronađen je tek kao mrlja na elektronskoj snimci noćnog neba, koju je snimio teleskop opservatorija Kislovodsk u Rusiji, u sklopu projekta potrage za kometima i asteroidima na noćnom nebu.

Astronomski 'Vau!'

Astronomi Vitalij Nevski i Artijom Novičonok prvi su identifikovali taj komet i nazvali ga Ison. pretraga baze podataka pokazala je kako se nalazio i na prijašnjim snimkama, koje su napravili drugi teleskopi, unazad sve do kraja 2011. godine, prenosi The Independent.

Analizom podataka iz navedene baze, astronomi su uspjeli izračunati njegovu putanju, a rezultat ih je zapanjio.

Orbita od koje se vrti u glavi

Kometu Isonu trebali su milioni godina da dođe u naše susjedstvo iz takozvanog Oort oblaka, kojeg čine bilioni komada kamenja i leda, odnosno ostaci iz perioda rađanja planeta u Sunčevom sistemu.

Njegova orbita vremenski je duža od jedne svjetlosne godine, što predstavlja četvrtinu udaljenosti do najbliže zvijezde. Taj komet možda čini svoj prvi i jedini posjet unutrašnjem dijelu Sunčevog sistema ikad. Njegov okoliš dosad je bio hladan, smrznut i nepromijenjiv, ali kako se približava Suncu, Ison se zagrijava i postaje sve topliji.

Skok od 32 kilometra

Isonova površina vrlo je tamna, tamnija od asfalta. Ima maleno tijelo od svega nekoliko desetaka kilometara promijera te vrlo slabu gravitaciju. Primjerice, da stojite na njemu, mogli biste skočiti 32 kilometra u svemir, nakon čega bi bilo potrebno nedjelju dana da doskočite na njega.

Isto tako, mogli biste hodati po ekvatoru, kleknuti i napraviti ledenu grudu, baciti je u suprotnom smijeru od smijera rotacije kometa i posmatrati kako visi nepomično u svemiru ispred vas.

Zabilježite kasni novembar u kalendar

Kad će ga moći i običan čovjek vidjeti, zacjelo se pitate? Do oktobra će Ison proći pored Marsa i počet će se led na njemu otapati od naglog povećanja temperature te će se polako početi formirati njegov rep.

Do kasno u novembru mjesecu, moći će ga se na noćnom nebu posmatrati golim ljudskim okom, odmah po zalasku sunca i u istom smijeru u kojem je zašlo Sunce.

'High five' sa Suncem

Nakon toga će vrlo brzo obići Sunce na daljini od svega 3,2 miliona kilometara od naše zvijezde, što je daleko bliže od orbite bilo kojeg planeta oko nje, te će ponovno biti vidljivna noćnom nebu, krećući se u smijeru zvijezde sjevernjače.

Tako će ostati vidljiv golom ljudskom oku mjesecima, što pamti malo koja generacija. Stoga, posmatrajte nebo nakon zalaska sunca u novembru za prve tragove Isona, kometa kojeg ćete zasigurno zapamtiti do kraja života.
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Re: Ovaj komet ćete pamtiti do kraja života

Post by Bla » 25 Sep 2013, 00:36

Pitam se da li su već počeli upisi u samoubilački nastrojene sekte ili čekaju da se prvo pojavi.
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Re: Ovaj komet ćete pamtiti do kraja života

Post by dacina_curica » 25 Sep 2013, 00:44

Cek da prvo odluce koju marku tena ce da obuju. One Nike zadnji put ne bise nesto uspjesne. :oo

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Re: Ovaj komet ćete pamtiti do kraja života

Post by Bla » 25 Sep 2013, 01:27

Malo off, opet naslov.
Ovaj komet ćete pamtiti do kraja života osim
- ako ne posenilite kada postoji šansa da ćete ga zaboraviti
- ako ne dobijete Alzheimera kada postoji šansa da ćete ga zaboraviti
- ako ne doživite neku drugu vrstu gubitka pamćenja kada postoji šansa da ćete ga zaboraviti
- ako jednostavno ne zaboravite (ljudi zaboravljaju i puno važnije stvari)

i za kraj
primite jedan Astronomski 'Vau!' od mene
(zvučalo mi je kao pozdrav) :D
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Re: Ovaj komet ćete pamtiti do kraja života

Post by Bambi » 25 Sep 2013, 18:20

Slike su prelijepe :ok

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Re: Sateliti, asteroidi

Post by dacina_curica » 09 Oct 2013, 01:15

Fotografi, trk vani :)
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Re: Sateliti, asteroidi

Post by Spanac_113 » 18 Oct 2013, 16:55

Pozitivna poruka iz NASA-e.
(Isprike zbog jezika, ne da mi se prevodit)
You amaze me.
ONE day soon, mankind will achieve the most amazing feat of all time, and you won't even notice.

You'll be asleep, or on the toilet, or standing in a queue impatiently waiting for a poncey kind of coffee. The amazing thing will happen, and you will carry on doing whatever you were doing before.

It's not just the most amazing thing mankind has done. It's the most amazing thing, so far as we know, that has ever happened. Better than a Mayor on a zipwire, better than a Queen parachuting into the Olympics, better even than a man with no legs climbing a flagpole.

We're leaving the solar system.

Go on, shrug. So what? We've been tinkering around in space for ages.

Except without you noticing it we've gone 11.2 billion miles from home using computers not very different to a ZX Spectrum. That's the same as travelling the 93 million miles between the Earth and the Sun 121 times, relying on the power of something less advanced than a modern digital watch.

There are two unmanned Voyager probes flying through space at 35,000mph, operating at temperatures so low they're 1/10,000th of those on Earth and surviving radiation doses 1,000 times worse than needed to kill you or I instantly.

They were launched in 1977 - confusingly Voyager 2 set off first - to have a peek at our nearest planets, which just happened to be lined up in a row so that it would take a minimum of power to use the gravitational pull of each to ping from one to the other.

They were only intended to last for five years but have worked seven times as long. They were going to look at just two planets, but NASA got some extra cash and the probes - by this point millions and millions of miles from Earth - were reprogrammed remotely via radio wave to go and look at the rest of the solar system as well.

(Think about that the next time the gonk from IT says it can't be fixed. He'll probably tell you deep space doesn't spill orange juice on the keyboard, but it's worth a try.)

The total cost of design, build, launch and 35 years of operation is £540m. It cost us 17 times more than that to put on the Olympics.

And what did we learn? Well, the big red splodge in the middle of Jupiter is a giant storm so huge Earth could fit inside it three times over. It has three moons we didn't know about, and one, called Europa, has a crust of water ice on its surface floating above an ocean 30 miles deep.

Jupiter also has a magnetic field which, when it passes over Io, strips it of heavy ions which create beautiful auroras more amazing than our own Northern Lights, and which generates 3million amperes of electricity - enough to boil 333,000 or so kettles with every pass.

One of Saturn's moons, Titan, has ethane oceans and loads of organic matter with an atmosphere just like Earth before life evolved. Uranus has a corkscrew-shaped magnetic field because it's on the yang after being knocked on its side somehow, and Neptune should have been named after Michael Fish rather than a god of the sea as it's the windiest place in the solar system, with gusts of 1,200mph.

The probes run on electricity produced by plutonium, and although it's about one-quarter the power needed to run the average American house, over time more of their equipment has been switched off to conserve it and keep the important bits going. Heaters, cameras and scientific instruments have been powered down and about all that's left is a gyro, an ultra-violet light meter and the digital tape recorder used to store data.

Yes, a tape recorder. Google it, kids.

This information is transmitted back to Earth in radio waves which take 17 hours to get here, and the signal is about 20billion times less powerful than your wristwatch.

One of the last pictures Voyager took is of Earth, from four billion miles away. We're that little speck in the right hand band of light.

It's more than twice as far away now, at the edge of our system where the solar winds have dropped to nothing and any day it will leave the protective bubble of charged particles called the heliosphere which covers our sun and all the planets which orbit it. We don't know quite when it will happen, because we haven't sent anything through this frontier before.

When the two Voyager probes pass out of the heliosphere they will be in the gap between stars - the interstellar medium. It is as different to our system as the Atlantic Ocean is to a paddling pool, filled with gas from the Big Bang, dust from smashed planets, stars dying and being reborn, and loads of stuff that is either spooky, scary or entirely unknown.

If ET finds them he's going to have a lot to wonder about, because on board is a gold record - we should be grateful it's not a TDK 60 I suppose, but do aliens prefer vinyl? - explaining a little about human life.

There are pictures of a foetus, a page from Newton, music by Bach and Beethoven. There are photographs of scientists and traffic jams, a handy map of the solar system and whereabouts in it we are, and people saying 'hello' in 55 languages including those now extinct.

There are beeps and clicks from human brain waves recorded while a lady read some philosophy aloud and thought about the man she was in love with, and handy instructions etched on the outside of how to use a stylus to play the record and what speed to do it at.

Once it passes into the turbulent unknown, Voyager has enough power for another eight years or so. Then the plutonium will be used up, and it will drift in the interstellar winds. Scientists reckon it will take about 40,000 years for it to reach the nearest planet, which of course might be inhabited by nothing but methane, bacteria or creatures who have evolved beyond CD players.

But there are two even more amazing things about all of this.

The first is that humans decided to do it at all - to see what is out there, for the hell of it, because it would be interesting, to wave at whoever might see, and just because. It's a lot more inspiring than going to Mars because it has minerals, or closing down bits of the space programme because it's all got too expensive.

We are leaving our own solar system with the technological equivalent of a piece of paper flicked by a rubber band, and whether it quietly disintegrates, sends us new things to amaze or is sucked into a black hole and made sentient by a race of robot beings so it tries to return home and destroy us all, it will always have been the most enlightening thing mankind ever did.

The second thing is that on that record are a series of grooves which, when played correctly by an alien who figures out how to do it and has recently found a hi-fi in some space junk and didn't know what it was for, will boom out Chuck Berry's Johnny B. Goode at full volume.

When summer's over, and you wave goodbye to the heroes of the Olympics and Paralympics while wondering what's left to feel good about, think about little green men bopping around to a 1958 twelve-bar blues riff in 'B' and know that you can be proud of yourselves for at least another 40,000 years or so.

Well done, humanity.

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Re: Sateliti, asteroidi

Post by dacina_curica » 18 Oct 2013, 17:15

Ne raspada se :) Znaci ipak cemo je vidjeti :drzipalceve ... mFNC6NOnFp

NASA's Hubble Sees Comet ISON Intact
A new image of the sunward plunging comet ISON suggests that the comet is intact despite some predictions that the fragile icy nucleus might disintegrate as the sun warms it. The comet will pass closest to the sun on Nov. 28.

In this NASA Hubble Space Telescope image taken on Oct. 9, the comet's solid nucleus is unresolved because it is so small. If the nucleus broke apart then Hubble would have likely seen evidence for multiple fragments.

Moreover, the coma or head surrounding the comet's nucleus is symmetric and smooth. This would probably not be the case if clusters of smaller fragments were flying along. A polar jet of dust first seen in Hubble images taken in April is no longer visible and may have turned off.

This color composite image was assembled using two filters. The comet's coma appears cyan, a greenish-blue color due to gas, while the tail is reddish due to dust streaming off the nucleus. The tail forms as dust particles are pushed away from the nucleus by the pressure of sunlight. The comet was inside Mars’ orbit and 177 million miles from Earth when photographed. Comet ISON is predicted to make its closest approach to Earth on Dec. 26, at a distance of 39.9 million miles.

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Re: Sateliti, asteroidi

Post by dacina_curica » 21 Oct 2013, 00:35

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Re: Sateliti, asteroidi

Post by dacina_curica » 13 Nov 2013, 20:06

Mrsko mi traziti prikladnu temu :oo

Nove slike Saturna :)
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Re: Sateliti, asteroidi

Post by dacina_curica » 13 Nov 2013, 20:08

Jos koja...
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Re: Sateliti, asteroidi

Post by dacina_curica » 14 Apr 2014, 20:01

Opet mi mrsko traziti prikladnu temu :ooo

Sutra pomracenje mjeseca koje ce mjesec "ofarbati" u bakarno crvenu boju. :)
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Re: Sateliti, asteroidi

Post by Melek » 14 Apr 2014, 21:48

Ne zaboravite veceras pogledati (to je za otprilike nesto vise od sat vremena) NASA-in pokusaj lansiranja SpaceX CSR-3 platforme koja bi trebala da prebaci namirnice za ISS (International Space Station) a potom bi trebala da pokusa da sleti nazad na Zemlju. Slijetanje na Zemlju se procjenjuje da ima samo 30-40% uspjeha ovaj put, jer je platforma jos uvijek u fazi konstrukcije.

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Re: Sateliti, asteroidi

Post by dacina_curica » 16 Apr 2014, 22:27

Slibe sinocnjeg pomracenja Mjeseca :)
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Re: Sateliti, asteroidi

Post by Bla » 16 May 2014, 06:11

dacina_curica wrote:Ne raspada se :) Znaci ipak cemo je vidjeti :drzipalceve ... mFNC6NOnFp

NASA's Hubble Sees Comet ISON Intact
A new image of the sunward plunging comet ISON suggests that the comet is intact despite some predictions that the fragile icy nucleus might disintegrate as the sun warms it. The comet will pass closest to the sun on Nov. 28.

In this NASA Hubble Space Telescope image taken on Oct. 9, the comet's solid nucleus is unresolved because it is so small. If the nucleus broke apart then Hubble would have likely seen evidence for multiple fragments.

Moreover, the coma or head surrounding the comet's nucleus is symmetric and smooth. This would probably not be the case if clusters of smaller fragments were flying along. A polar jet of dust first seen in Hubble images taken in April is no longer visible and may have turned off.

This color composite image was assembled using two filters. The comet's coma appears cyan, a greenish-blue color due to gas, while the tail is reddish due to dust streaming off the nucleus. The tail forms as dust particles are pushed away from the nucleus by the pressure of sunlight. The comet was inside Mars’ orbit and 177 million miles from Earth when photographed. Comet ISON is predicted to make its closest approach to Earth on Dec. 26, at a distance of 39.9 million miles.
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Re: Sateliti, asteroidi

Post by Rum » 06 Jul 2014, 22:26



U veljači 1960. Amerikanci su otkrili nepoznati objekt u polarnoj orbiti, pojavu koji ni oni ni Rusi nisu mogli objasniti. Kao da to nije bilo dovoljno, objekt je bio nekoliko puta veći od svega što su obje sile bile sposobne poslati u svemir.

A tada je započeo najčudniji dio. HAM operateri počeli su primati čudne kodirane poruke. Jedna osoba izjavila je da je dekodirala jednu od poruka koja je odgovarala svemirskoj karti neba kakvo je bilo prije 13.000 godina s fokusom u sustavu Epsilon Bootes (Volar).
Radio karta (veći prikaz)
Astronaut G. Cooper - Mercury 7

03.09.1960., 7 mjeseci nakon što je objekt bio prvi put opažen radarom, uspjela ga je snimiti i kamera za praćenje orbitalnih objekata zrakoplovne kompanije "Grumman" iz tvornice na Long Islandu. Objekt je povremeno opažan slijedeća 2 tjedna. Opisivali su ga kao crveno svijetleći objekt koji se kreće sa istoka na zapad. Većina satelita iz tog vremena kretala se za zapada prema istoku. Brzina je također bila 3 puta veća od standardne. Osnovan je i odbor za proučavanje objekta, ali ništa nije bilo objavljeno u javnosti.

3 godine kasnije, 15.06.1963. astronaut Leroy Gordon Cooper (Shawnee, Oklahoma, 06.03.1927. - Ventura, California, 04.10.2004.) krenuo je u svemir u zadnjoj misiji iz programa Mercury. Kada je dostigao najveću orbitalnu udaljenost od Zemlje,165,9 milja, javio je da je uočio zeleno svjetleći oblik koji se kreće prema njemu. Izjavljeno je da je i nadzorna postaja Muchea u Australiji kojoj se Cooper javljao, također uočila na radaru objekt koji se kretao u smjeru istok - zapad. O događaju je izvještavao i NBC, ali reporterima je bilo zabranjeno pitati Coopera o tom događaju nakon što je sletio. Odgovorni su izjavili da je u kapsuli došlo do kvara na električnim uređajima što je dovelo do visoke razine CO2, te je to navodno kod Coopera izazvalo halucinacije. Na internetu se mogu pronaći slike tog tijela koje su navodno snimljene tijekom misije STS-088 (Space Shuttle Endeavour) u 04. - 15. studenog 1998.

"Crni vitez"

Što li si ti?
Mogući izgled "Crnog viteza"
O prirodi tog objekta postoje mnoga nagađanja. Neki zastupaju zamisao o malom asteroidu koji je zarobila zemljina gravitacija, drugi da je to otpad od neke letjelice iz svemirskih programa, itd... dok "najhrabriji" dopuštaju mogućnost da se tu radi o umjetnom satelitu neke strane ili stare zemaljske civilizacije... Zbog svoje tajnovitosti i crne boje objekt je dobio ime po Walt Disneyevu liku Crni Vitez (Black Knight).
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Asteroid od 1.000 metara juri prema nama

Post by Rum » 05 Jan 2015, 19:58

Asteroid od 1.000 metara juri prema nama, blizak susret sa Zemljom 26. januara!
Potencijalno opasan asteroid približiće se Zemlji 26. januara, a očekuje se da će letjeti na udaljenosti od 1,2 miliona kilometara .
Prečnik ovog asteroida, kojem su naučnici dali ime “2004 BL86″, iznosi između 440 i 1.000 metara.
Prema procjeni astronauta, ovaj asteroid se ne može sudariti sa Zemljom, a u radarskoj opservatoriji Goldston, koja je smještena u kalifornijskoj Mojave pustinji, sve vrijeme će pratiti putanju “2004 BL86″.
Inače, svaki objekat iz svemira je potencijalno opasan po Zemlju samo ukoliko uđe u Zemljinu orbitu na rastojanju od 0,05 AU (približno 19,5 rastojanja od Zemlje do Mjeseca), kao i ako njegov prečnik iznosi od 100 do 150 metara.
Objekti ove veličine su dovoljno veliki da izazovu ogromnu štetu, a kad bi upali u okean, izazvali bi tzv. mamutske cunamije!
Neka si nam Živa I Zdrava Sultanija 💚
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Re: Asteroid od 1.000 metara juri prema nama

Post by Elfudin » 06 Jan 2015, 03:01

Da nas hoce strefit zaradio bi komet sevapa! :pusi
Horde Zla 1987

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